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    I just knew that, while I thought it was the worst episode of the season and didn't laugh once, the AV club would be raving about it. Every segment was either too embarassing, too mean, or too dumb.. the worst parts of the show this season.

    The lie-detector at a mechanic's is actually a great idea, if there was any practical way to make it work. The first segment was absolutely brilliant. Solid A. But the second segment sorta bombed for me. Funny bone might've been broken from the first. The show might've worked better with the mechanic segment second.

    I think you goofed on the link for the "pre-air review". Or I'm gonna need to borrow your username and password, please.

    The Simpsons used the exact piece in a direct reference to the movie, though. The quote that begins the episode from Proverbs is also used to begin the Coens' True Grit. I didn't continue the rest of the awful episode, but expect there were other references.

    The drunk-driving gag (named the worst here..) may have been the only part I actually laughed at. The idea was good, but maybe actually having the baby on the fender was a bit too far—one of the characters like Mort might have been better. But Peter is so drunk he has one eye shut, drives into oncoming traffic, runs

    Yeah, It occurred to me right after posting that it might've been on earlier. Guess it was on at 6:30 here actually.. pretty silly.

    What the… there was no American Dad on here tonight. I'm in Colorado, and the new Family Guy was on half an hour earlier followed by an hour-long episode of Cosmos, which I've never seen on Fox before. Nobody else had this?