
Daughter of Yoda and Jedi groupie she is.

That's not what a mourning band is for!

When do we get a ManBat movie?

Now that R rated superhero movies are a thing, he can finally give that bear a BJ!

Just nod, smile and edge away.

If I can hung on for a little under five more months I'll have lived longer than Zappa, so I guess that's something.

That Popeamatic is always causing Trouble.

Every time we need Romanitron he's off stealing chickens!

Something tells me his estate will find a way around that.

I've read the first three books twice but at this point I have no desire to reread the last two. If number six does ever come out I'll find a synopsis on line for the last two to jog my memory before reading.

There's a campground in New Hampshire with a snowmobile museum. WITMW, GITMG and I went in to take a look and got stuck talking to a volunteer who was under the mistaken impression that we actually gave a fuck about snowmobiles.

Menudo was the Logan's Run of boy bands.

"But the brand survives."