
I'm sorry, but how has Hecate's rebellion come out of nowhere? She been against Evelyn for like…..episodes.

My favorite scene was actually when Hecate hissed at Evelyn when she turned her back. It's interesting how these scenes, including the one where she interacts with Ethan, however small or fleeting, actually does expand her personality and character beyond the evil satanic witch who follows Evelyn's orders. Also,

I’ll be honest, I have a love/hate relationship with TVD
(mostly hate, though). Amidst a sea of stupidity, ass-pulling, and generic teen
drama that sacrifices plot, there are genuinely likable (though most of them
are unlikable, let’s be honest) characters and little nuggets of purely
entertaining story-telling.

I just want her dead! Kill her! KILL HER!!!! (crumbles onto the floor and sobs uncontrollably) Why can't she just die…..