
the scene where francis takes reba to see the tiger is, in my opinion, the most shatteringly intense scene in the entire series. the perception v. reality theme is put in such stark, horrific contrast, with reba experiencing a moment of transcendent joy, and francis selfishly absorbing her happiness in the wake of

A Sunny Day In Glasgow - In Love With Useless. It's like HAIM if HAIM were absorbed in a hazy ether of dream logic and benzos.

"i have the wrong parts, and the wrong proclivity for parts." they could honestly just leave it at that and have it be the most graceful suggestion of a character's sexuality and sufferance for it in the history of TV.

loved, loved, loved the jacob's ladder imagery in this shot. and the contrasting two bars of light to hannibal's darkness, two bars of darkness to will's light. "typhoid and swans, they all come from the same place." we do not deserve a network show this elegant. https://scontent-b-sea.xx.f…

i really wanted there to be one of the infamous…