Voice of Reason

That's a different problem. Hahaha!

Thawne said it was using his speed that made it happen faster, not "start fading." (Rewatched it to make sure).

Simple. It took a few months before Barry's memories started fading in the Flashpoint Universe. Even Thawne said it fades "eventually."He mentioned having lived with his parents for a few months before the episodes started. In this timeline, he's been back a few days.

True but beyond just screen time, if they give her more time but bad writing, it makes her look bad. Tough to do with someone as stunning as her, but they managed to do just that during parts of season 1. The writers seem to have trouble when forced into corner. This is also what happened with Laurel Lance in Arrow.

Yeah! Iris was on point tonight! Personally, I never thought Candice Patton couldn't act. But it was often apparent that the show, for all their good points, can't seem to write Iris well. This showed what happens when you give the lovely Miss Patton something meaningful to play with as an actress.

Oops. Someone didn't get the joke.

Ah yes, THAT was racist, stupid, snobbish and well, there are more descriptions but it might violate the Terms and Conditions of this Disqus.

I don't think they're racists at all. I think they're simply snobbish douchebags. Just so happens that the object of their doucehbaggery this year is an african-american film but let's face it, they're not ignoring it because it's about black people. They're ignoring it because they have horribly pretentious taste and

Wells tells Barry to "run, Barry, run…" Drink

This just made look into JUSTIFIED.

Nobody questions his right to an opinion. But having a right to an opinion does not give you the license to be rude and disrespectful to others. Fact is, he disrespected Beck and Swift when he did what he did. Yes, he had a strong opinion on the matter, and he claims he was speaking out against the academy and

Meh. I thought the Atomic Answering Machine was phoning it in.

Damn Salmon Ladder. After everything Cosmic Treadmill and the show did for him.

Yeah, but the others are getting better and better so we may as well try to improve on her. I admit Iris being anti-Flash makes the dynamic MUCH more interesting. And It gave Candice Patton an opportunity to show her more fierce emotions, than just being a giddy fan girl.

Read this somewhere else and thought it bears mentioning. The Flash writers are lucky they have Candice Patton on the show. Because she's the only reason we haven't completely turned against Iris. That said, even the lovely Miss Patton can't keep the weak and inconsistent characterization of Miss West protected

Loved it but it suffered a bit from pacing. I think CW should have given it an extra 5 minutes. Some of the scenes needed to be played out more.

Agree. Long time FLASH fan here, (since the early 80s) and I have to say, I'm loving ALL the comic book series out there. SHIELD has improved since the Hydra takeover, Arrow season 2 was brilliant and 3 is off to a good start, Gotham has its flaws but if you shake off the comics continuity gaffes, it's actually fun

I guess he didn't want to come off as a SNARTASS. Hehehe.

Yeah, she was talking to air at one point in this one and she still had chemistry. Iris and Thawne are so far just wallpaper on this show.

Give him time. ;-)