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    No you don't. "The Monitor" is actually just one of those teddy-bear nanny cams.

    The problem with the Hobbit is twofold.

    Eh, I think the first two Cap films are real movies, no question. Guardians of the Galaxy is a real movie, too (albeit a real sci-fi adventure movie).

    Actually, they did just that in Norton's Hulk film.

    Sometimes, life's ok!

    In Soviet Russia, GWAR goops on— no, wait. Actually, they do that here, too.

    Superman's Song is actually one of the songs I sing to my 4-month old daughter to sing her to sleep.

    Yeah, the Israel Kamakawiwo'ole version. I have to say, I actually HATE that version, if only because it's been so overused. I'm pretty sure it was in, like, a Nissan commercial or for health insurance or pancake mix or some shit.

    Funny. It just makes me think "We really have no idea where the fuck our story is going…"

    Reginald Maudling's naughty bits.



    Olivier lives…

    Was he, though?

    DC already used the "Cloud of nonspecific doom" in Green Lantern, though.

    Delightful Diwali!

    You could still make the same joke, just not here.

    With cancer.

    I have the exact same response. As soon as I see a comparison to Dark Souls, I lose all interest in a game. I tried the first game in that series, and found it deeply frustrating and not at all fun. I get more of a sense of accomplishment from doing pushups.

    Don't hold your breath on Mara Jade returning.