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    Yeah, maybe. The beats Moffat repeatedly hits have just kind of worn thin. And because he's playing in a sci-fi environment, he has far more freedom to ass-pull his solutions when he's backed himself into a corner.

    Overwrought plotting resolved with an "Oh shit, I forgot to write the resolution" style finale, all of which is then discarded the next season as if it literally never happened and didn't matter.

    A girl is busy serving the many-faced god.

    I thought it was great in spite of her. The episodes that focused on Ashildr/Me and the Doctor alone were fantastic. The episodes focused on the Zygons were pretty good, but Clara featured minimally in them. Clara's role itself was…irritating.

    I, for one, will never say that. Moffat can't leave the show soon enough for me. I'm not saying the next guy will be any better, but Moffat…I'm done with him.

    I hear he's doing ok. Got a cozy little job with the Mexican mob, and packages the candy cane.

    That sounds less 1980s generically, and more, like, 1989-1992 or so.

    It also sucks because it means that the Born Again run on Daredevil likely won't work out the way it did in the comics (where Cap, Iron Man, and Thor appear briefly, although Cap is around pretty seriously for, like, 2-3 issues).

    So…..Chris Pratt?

    Brosnan could have been amazing, but I think he was hampered by bad scripts and a franchise in the middle of a major transition. His films are really uneven, and are often a mix of the more serious stuff we see in the Craig films, and the campy/goofy stuff from the Moore era. It's like the series couldn't decide what

    A dandy. Excellent description! I grew up in the 80s, started watching Bond films with Connery. Even so, I was ok with Moore (although that faded over time).

    If only this trend in action films had continued, we could see the rise of muscle-bound vigilantes wasting "affluenza"-inflicted teens, and hipsters. I mean, just think about that. Charlie Bronson blowing away hipster criminals.

    For me, Moore is easily the weakest Bond in the franchise - and yes, that includes George Lazenby who gets a bad rap in my opinion. Moore was the most asexual and least physically imposing of the Bonds. Particularly looking back now, he strikes me as a guy who looks good in a suit, and can be suave and charming, but

    In my opinion, the only real problems with AVTAK are Tanya Roberts (who fell squarely into the "oooohhhh James…." bimbo in distress role), and the fact that Moore was way too old to be playing the part at that point.

    That's a fair critique, I suppose. I find the "silly" in Moonraker to just be too much, whereas Golden Gun has, at least, a few hints of "This could have been a really cool idea." Also, slide whistle. SLIDE. WHISTLE.

    I think it's a tough call between that one and Moonraker, myself.

    It stinks!

    "The letter U….and the numeral 2."

    I think you could place them in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and have it work, but mostly that's based on how well the MCU has handled Thor, which is equally batshit crazy. Given that we'll be getting Doctor Strange soon, I figure the MCU could handle it.

    This will sound really weird, but is that Angus "Gold Leader" MacInnes in your avatar picture?