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    Philistines, the lot of 'em.

    Also works as an album title.

    I'm hopeful that I can somehow convince the folks behind the relaunch of MST3K to take on Prophecy. It is absolutely rife with hysterical (yet deadly serious — at least according to the producers) sequences.

    Blame it on quaaludes.

    And thank God for that.

    Shut up and take my money!


    Right, but that goes to my point. There's, like, a barrier for entry for Melissa McCarthy films and it's due almost entirely to the way those films are marketed. They all, without regard to the actual content of the film, lean heavily on the broadest jokes in the film for trailer purposes. Even when the trailer

    I think it mostly comes from the trailers for her films, which are almost universally aimed at the most crude sense of humor and broadest jokes, including the jokes-about-her-weight stuff. Like, I haven't seen Spy, but that's largely because the trailer just looked so unappealing. Unappealing enogh that I remember

    Would it not be Laurences Olivier? Like Attorneys General?

    Jesus will have no part in your parricidal plots.

    I don't even think it's necessarily because he's actively trying to screw with his fans. I think it's because he very often doesn't know either (A) the answer to the mystery, or (B) the "howdunit" to explain "whodunit," so to speak. Like, he knows the end result, but has no idea how to get there from the

    But no one will ever top Dan Akroyd.

    While we're at it, I suppose we should just have Christopher Guest direct…

    I particularly appreciate that the new film's title retains the use of punctuation.

    Yeah, I know. But having written the mixed-up version…now I kinda want to see it.

    Rinko Kikuchi, and yes, she'd be fantastic for the role.

    Fred Willard is the one, true Remo Williams!

    How I met Your Father >slap!< My Brother >slap!< Your Father AND My Brother!!!

    How about the fact that there are a ton of highly talented Asian actresses who could probably play this role and, short of the myopic view of a bunch of stuffed shirts at a studio C-suite, there's exactly zero reason to cast a white woman in the role.