
Yep, the one false note of the episode. I had no issue with the snowstorm confrontation, that was a combo of Malvo's luck, skill, and quick thinking. But the building of mob guys was just cartoonish. Malvo in some ways is the most careless criminal ever. Kidnapping a guy by dragging him from his office cubicle in

Well said. I disagree on the merits of Cannibal Holocaust but I'm with you on Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Personally, of that sort of visceral horror film my favorite is the original The Hills Have Eyes, which I think is just brilliant.

Wow, if so that really speaks poorly of his directing then.

To be really depressed, go on IMDb and read all the rave reviews for Martyrs (along with angry insistance that it's not torture porn). To a small degree, I get it. Martyrs, unlike some of the genre, is technically very well made (it's basically the arthouse flick of torture porn), and in its first two-thirds

I don't know, I finally saw it a couple years ago for pretty much those reasons, i.e., just to have seen it and to have an opinion about it, and was pretty unimpressed. The acting is bad, the characters are two-dimensional, the pacing is beyond sluggish. Without the notoriety of actually killing animals, there

Exactly. Maybe not as bad as the excuses made for Walter White or Gregory House (yet), but I agree. It's why I just can't view Larrick as an unambiguous villain. He's unsavory, to be sure, but look who he's up against.

Somewhat likeable, some of the time. They really crossed a line with the Jewish scientist, as far as I'm concerned. (Slightly separate point: the bile directed here at Stan is a bit weird when you think about all the lives laid waste by the Jennings. He killed Vlad, fair point, but Phil or Liz do something that

I don't know, I feel that the pros of "wow, they really went there" would be outweighed by the narrative loss of her character. After the shock wears off, if the narrative suffers it could seem like killing Molly was itself a cheap stunt, just to prove that they had the stones to do it. I'd rather forgive a cheap

Yeah, while Lucy only charges 5 cents!

Oh whatever. I'm not down with Larrick's pro-Contra shenanigans, but kidnapping the Jewish scientist back to Russia was worse than anything we've seen Larrick do.

Yeah, it's THE hole in the show's premise, an immense gaping maw of a hole. If anything, the KGB would have its agents under the strictest birth control imaginable. Two seasons, and not a babysitter in sight. When Phillip and Elizabeth are off killing Contras at night (or those training them), where exactly do