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    D L

    I edited that bit about Casterly Rock as that was a dumb mistake. Still, the selective knowledge bothers me a lot. Then again, I also forgot that Varys' little birds are now Qyburn's.

    The timeline issue bothers me as well, as does the selective spread of news: Everyone quickly learns about a massacre where there were few survivors (the Freys) but no one notices the bulk of the Lannister and Tarly armies marching across Westeros toward Highgarden.

    When he's in disguise, John Simm's Master does a perfect Zathras imitation.

    Fitz—There's lots of ways to express sadness and pain. There's music and art—
    AIDA—And smashing heads on the floor. That's the one I like the best so far.

    Didn't know that was a thing. I will have to try it, although I don't know why I'd want to despoil coffee.

    "'Ere's your tea. I've put a bit of coffee in it as well just to give it some flavour." I stand with Nardole.

    I think that's dead on because the Doctor basically did that when he reset the Vardis' way of thinking so why the "our machines are our slaves" idea? Why not just reset them completely?

    I got out at the end of season one. I enjoy these reviews more than I ever did the show.

    I kept thinking that Wun-wun would have been more useful clearing a path through the convenient wall of corpses than slapping at the shield wall and pikemen.

    Yeah, it was kind of "pffft" rather than "kapow". I thought that was strange, too.

    Very few things are as bad as Gotham.

    I thought the entire Shireen story line was a kind of unmotivated close up that had to end in a bad way. Here, out of the blue, lets give this little girl a story and some character development and a couple "ohh, daddy really loves her" moments. This season that's about the same as getting married was in the earlier

    Not only that, the show reveals the problems of giving handouts with
    other people's money: the people who get it start to expect it. It would have been more interesting to see what happened if Red Hood hadn't given out
    the money once.

    She said he'd been married four times "all deceased".

    Missy—Oh Clara, Clara, Clara! I should just SHOOT you in a jealous rage…now wouldn't that be sexy?
    I've turned the lift off though.
    Doctor—I presume you have stairs.
    Missy—Well I'm not a Dalek.