
I thought he was good in Towelhead

I really hope it's something like the Live Through This album, but you're probably right

you think people will still be using napkins in the year 2016? or is this mouth vacuum thing for real?

you mean, yippee ki-yay

it's that time of year…die hard 1 and 2…again

must have hit the pepsi and rum a little hard and spiralled outta control…though i must say, i think i prefer his look to this eric stoltz look

Uncle frank would have probably taught him about that life…or buzz

Looking like Eric stoltz in pulp fiction

those eyes!! my heart is in shreds

so since it's exam time…study group or nah?

My friend (we're 19) told me this story about how she was at work and this much older man came up to her and started hitting on her and even purred at her…and it happened quite a few times. I told her to just tell them she's 15…pretty sure that'll scare them off

re-discovered newsradio! phil hartman will always have a place in my heart
also watched high fidelity for the first time and re-watched grosse point blank one day…that was a really good day

did lana strike a chord with you as she did with me?

chocolate, peppermint…it's very refreshing!

how could I forget… mulligatawny!

you know, chicken salad's not the opposite of tuna, salmon is the opposite of tuna. salmon swim against the tuna and the tuna swim with it!

I like the black and white cookie. two races of flavour living side by side in harmony. if people would only look to the cookie, all our problems would be solved

Seinfeld? pretzels, drake's coffee cakes, kenny rogers roasters chicken. could go for all of that right now

Vinnie, don't put too many onions in the sauce

Honestly though…I could almost taste it, just watching him slice it real thin