
I took it as "professionally Jesus."

Oh no gender roles are still a thing in the world of make believe. I bet race is an issue, too. Seriously, why expect anything more from an industry that continues to peddle Adam Sandler movies and _____ Kardashian?

Come for the David Cross. Stay for the James Adomian.

Will McAvoy is actually a young Leo McGarry.

LOL'd at "near" being crossed out with "here"

Every time I read this feature the shitty song in question gets lodged in my brain for 48 to 72 hours after. Goddammit. And this one is ESPECIALLY terrible.

My favorite Drifters tune is the one where they explicitly tell women not to write for entertainment blogs, and it is called "Beth Gaston Get Back in the Kitchen and Check on the Pot Roast" (Reprise). A lovable bunch indeed!

Coldplay: England's Creed.

I cringe every time my wife turns this show on. Say NO to the SHOW haha get it see what I did

Next, on Hobo Veterinarian.

OH NO BABIES FEMINISM IS OVER. Pretty defeatist attitude right there.

Yes, this, absolutely.

I love everyone mocking Daryl Crowe's accent. It's legit for the part of Florida he's from. Let it go.


I gorge on this show annually before each season. It's so rewatchable, mostly due to the dialogue and the absolute likeability of every actor they've employed.

no no no no no no no no NO.

That's a LOT of virgin.