
It doesn't matter how dumb he sounds because he's got a very good brain and he's said a lot of things.

Oh Satan,
How could i ever stay mad at you? :)

As an Atheist who doesn't take anything seriously, I resent that last remark!

That was funny how Dennis Perkins was trying to sound like the
smug humorless comic book guy. Haw Haw!

Wow! If you want to try something else that's really awesome,
First make a cup with your hand, then collect fumes from your anus.
Then put your cupped hand over your nose and inhale.
It smells just like the ocean and candy canes!!! :D

Lol That was hilarious!

Howard Stern has been talking about his cure for this phobia for at least 20 years. Just recite your multiplication tables in your head. It works every time.

The student group said that they will behead one freshman a day until their demands are met.

You're being sarcastic, right?

This is the story where Johnny & Sue Storm realize they're Not brother and sister because….ummm…Johnny is kinda… black