Thanks - glad somebody's memory is functioning better than mine!
Thanks - glad somebody's memory is functioning better than mine!
The stupidest thing was flipping the bird out of the window as they drove away. I mean, let's not be fucking stupid. When people are firing automatic weapons at you, you don't stick your hand out of the window…it's just another example of how absurd this show has become. And when I say become, I mean "pretty much…
A couple of questions:
Well good for you for having a job that allows that!
Pfft - hindsight is 20/20. Though I do like your use of italics
childish laugh at the use of "fully erect"….
I'd go so far as to say - the second season was better than the first, but it was still awful.
Rule 101 for being a successful dictator: remove / eliminate any other leader who could pose a threat to your empire. Negan should have killed Rick in the forest, instead of Glen or Abraham. It was stupid then and it's stupid now. The ONLY reason Rick is still alive is because there would be no show without him. I…
This show is lite
Then go watch it. It's called Silence of the Lambs
Lots of people love me. My life doesn't revolve around "posting on the AV Club". Can't say the same for a few of the die hards on here. I'd rather be the smelliest and most honest fart than a steaming pile of shit that pretends not to stink. And there are a few piles like that among AV Club posters.
Do you mean "is as effective as"? Your English isn't the best huh? No worries, I fixed it for you….
Yes of course - because any time a heterosexual person makes a remotely disparaging comment about a gay person they must have doubts about their own sexuality. I'm guessing you won't recognise the irony but oh well.
But to make that choice would require me to pretend to "not be a terrible person". I'm just honest and I tell it how I see it - somewhat coincidentally, exactly the way somebody with Asperger's would tell it….
No thanks, I'll pass. Loser.
Oh well there you go. I still stand by my original comment. We don't need to know, it won't add anything to the plot
You'll be back - just like the rest of us. We'll ALL be back, inferior product or not. Damn you Walking Dead! Damn you all to hell!
Exactly - as if we needed to know. It's just to make all the "progressive thinkers" feel good and go "Ahh, that's nice, they've included the gay people". I'm sure at some stage there'll be a trans gender person in the show.
Haha and they are recommending the best spot to fish for "Jew Fish" - I am pretty sure they are called "Dhu Fish" - silly Aussies
I'm working in a place called Darwin (Australia) this week, and I just watched the weather and heard it was 28 degrees in a place called Humpty Doo. I shit you not.