I hope the commentator ranking the previous season's best pairings *wink wink nudge nudge* resumes their role. It's one of the best parts of reading the reviews.
I hope the commentator ranking the previous season's best pairings *wink wink nudge nudge* resumes their role. It's one of the best parts of reading the reviews.
It took me a second to remember where I'd heard avocados and screenplays being used in the same sentence. You're a Worstie!
Helena got him good
Yes! When that one waiter took it out and waved it around before he entered the bathroom, no discretion.
Its like they are not even trying to hide it, even Lindsay figured it it out.
Poor Paul. I'm glad the writers spent more time on his character this season so we could fully realize how heartbroken he looked when Lindsay tells him she got an abortion and is leaving him again. Especially because like he said in The Seventh Layer episode, the only reason he stuck around this long was so that he…
I noticed the dress thing too. She was wearing it at the wedding in the pilot where she and Jimmy first met, and now she's wearing it at a wedding where she and Jimmy are on the verge of ending their relationship.
Full circle :)
But it does kind of fit in to the theme they have going on this season about personal growth. They're just starting to realize that they arent living the lives they envisioned for themselves, and are trying to fix it (getting rid of the old stuff, having kids, weed). Also as characters, they truly don't see that they…
There's nothing like having a full on existential crisis at somebody else's wedding
The casual delivery of her demanding the poachers to get them when their heads are in the sand made me chuckle a little :P
Those poor ostriches
Another tidbit: Alison Brie (Diane) and Dave Franco (Alexi Brosefino) are engaged IRL