
I met Jasper Fforde at a book signing and he said the sales for Shades of Grey got a boost when 50 Shades of Grey came out because people were buying it by accident and/or the bookseller sold them the wrong one on purpose. So…yay?

I read WOT in hopes they were going to cover it and was disappointed. So thank you very much for the short review-I am super interested to watch it but after taking a whole class on the Holocaust in college (I didn't sleep well for a while…) I try to get an idea of what I'm getting myself into before watching this

Can't help but disagree with the choice of Return to Cranford as the Gaskell adaptation that makes the top ten. It's good but Wives and Daughters and North and South are miles better. Especially Michael Gambon in W & D. "I'm not saying she was very silly, but one of us was silly, and it wasn't me" Classic. I do feel

There's lots of other institutions collecting video games and other such things too, like EMP or the University of Michigan: http://www.lib.umich.edu/co…. The more the merrier, but good to have LoC leading the way in some fashion.

I've loved these, thanks for doing them!

The scene isn't pleasant and is quite unsettling but it isn't very graphic in showing the physical act of it, much like Matthew's end or the affair with the Turkish diplomat, where we didn't really "see" what happened.