Richie French

Yep. King has communicated on several occasions that he is fan of schlock. His sensibilities in this area betray him every time he is involved in an adaptation of his work.

some wild speculation here … but I think there is a connection between the Zaheer gang and Bolin & Mako’s deceased parents.

It sunk in Lake Mediocrity down into the Awful Muck.
For a moment it seemed that it might become that rare pearl: "The Inadvertent Sitcom".

Like many, I just wrote this season off. Actually, I wrote Boondocks off as not coming back after the previous season so long ago and I'll just continue to pretend that was the case.

Also, on a scale of 1 to 5, 1 being this guy is totally a marketing tool and 5 being this guy can date my daughter, how sincere would you rate my online persona?

I enjoyed this review and while I don't disagree with the grade, I disagree with the perception of this show being boring. The reviewer, like myself, appears to have tuned in expecting a spectacle and I'm sure a significant part of the initial audience did so as well. That wasn't an unfair assumption given the

I can't explain it any clearer than I have. It's clear you're just going to keep framing it the way you have so it can be that the show was intended to be a comedy and failed on that regard. And we're all just trying to feel smart.

"So I get it, it's a different show now."
No, see, you still don't get it. It's always been this show. The laughs you got were just a side thing and it isn't about being deep. I didn't say you didn't grasp his message and I have no problem with you saying "I want a comedy and this wasn't a comedy."

Well, ok, so the people downstream attacked you and you rightly dismissed them. But here, a person explained to you where you (yes, you) had a misconception of the show, and all you can do is protect your ego by deflecting; that since the show had made you laugh and is made by a comedian, it somehow is obligated to

a more literal date rape I have never seen. LSP just date-raped Finn and took his virginity. Anyone doubting that, imagine this scene with fiona and lumpy prince instead.

I watched ep 1 & 2. So far it seems like Degrassi After Earth. I don't even understand how 70-something years is enough time to talk about heading back down to the surface, or how they made all those bracelets with sensors. or why they're bracelets. but whatever, going with all that. What I'm unclear on is how not