
dammit! i didn't want to ship norma and romero!

i had to rewind twice to make sure that tiny smile actually happened

yeah, i'm gonna need them to move on to impaling

everyone falls in love with norma eventually (or immediately if you're christine)
romero better make a move!

liam handed her a tall boy of adderall, it seems

i didn't think anyone wore a cup while playing basketball. they definitely don't in the nba.

i also noticed ilana wearing the red bra she wore in the pilot again, and i loved that as well.

i had to pause it at that very moment and get the giggles out cause it was such a perfect look

or moan it the whole time you're having sex, a la emma

Praise Joe!

hearing amy sedaris say the word "filipino" warmed my heart

while watching this episode, during one of the shittiest scenes my boyfriend said something like "it feels like they're trying to imply something, but it just isn't working" and a few seconds later we were laughing hysterically after realizing that describes the entire series.