I Keep Forgettin' My Yah Mo B

You're right, Racj82. We'll find out exactly what it was that made her want to run away from the "calvary" at some point, but as I said above, it's pretty obvious why she would want to work with Coulson again. It's safe to say that if he hadn't have "come back from the dead," she'd have stayed in the "red-tape"

Actually, Carlos is right…she was bored, although I disagree that her motivation is unclear. It's very clear. We know from the very first episode that May and Coulson were close when they were in the field together. He almost/did "die" in New York and this is his first project since coming back. She wanted to work

Nothing you just said makes any sense. You don't need "clues." They've provided plenty of particulars and they're not unfounded. We know from the very first episode that May and Coulson were pretty close when they were in the field together. He almost/did "die" in New York and this is his first project since coming