
I have been binge watching this show for the past few weeks and oh man is it good. Evil Fitz hurts my heart. I can't handle it. I just want FitzSimmons to be happy. Why do you do these things to me Wheadons!

Oh good point. I forgot all about that.

I don't think Ouija and Pidge are sisters. Ouija said that one line "our mom" a few episodes ago, but then It was immediately followed by Pidge saying "wow your mom did that?" or something to that effect. I figured she was either referring to actual siblings or the line was wrong. Not sure though.

My other issue with this episode, aside from the many everyone has listed, is why Piscatella kidnapped Blanca. Prior to the riot (ie 2, 3 days ago) they didn't really have much association right? Why would he think she was part of Red's family?

I think its because the Nazi's felt he still had "Jewish blood". They considered it a race with distinct racial characteristics. I'm pretty sure this happened in real life too (although I could be wrong) but I think they wanted to erase any and all connections or blood lines related to Jews, so because he has a Jewish

This episode was much better than the first, but I do hope they spend more time on character development. I need to know more about Rufus and Wyatt to care when the inevitable reveal of the spying/quitting the spying, and wife returning stuff happens. It would be nice to see little ways that their history changes,

I agree with you about the Sam part seeming tacked on. When the scene started, my husband (who isn't a book reader) said, "Oh yeah, those guys are in this show" and then realizing it was Sam and Gilly and not Jon et al, he said again, "Oh, its THOSE guys." It was kind of funny. I had been waiting for that bit for a