Jack Laugher and Chris Mears won a synchronized diving gold medal.
The Daily Mail mocked them for hugging.
The gay press celebrated them for looking hot.
They both outclassed Ryan Lochte, but so did most people.
Jack Laugher and Chris Mears won a synchronized diving gold medal.
The Daily Mail mocked them for hugging.
The gay press celebrated them for looking hot.
They both outclassed Ryan Lochte, but so did most people.
My fear is that his supporters won't discover that at all. They'll simply blame the media and the minorities for his failings the way some of them did under George W. Bush and Dick Chaney.
I saw a play about how the founders of Atari ended up turning on each other and destroying the company. That would make a good film. And they could title it Pong.
“I got offered The Lord of the Rings, and I turned it down because I didn't understand it. I was offered The Matrix twice, and I turned it down because I didn't understand it. I don't understand this movie, but I'll be damned if I'm going to turn it down.'”
~Sean Connery, 2003, regarding The League of Extraordinary…
Good vs. Evil provides the dull bare bones of video game narrative. I usually go to RPG's for stories and the interesting ones build up the interaction between the characters. Most screenplays inspired by games put the action sequences above all else. This doesn't sustain interest.
Fixed. S2's Mycroft Holmes. I tried to correct the mis-type quickly but my Disqus account is being finicky.
Favorite Cutscene in a FF game:
Edea's diva parade in FFVIII. I threw your President off a balcony! Now meet my fabulous back up dancers! The first disc is full of lively moments. It falls apart for in disc two.
For me Shinwell has become this season's Mycroft Holmes. An obnoxious supporting character who just won't go away and exists to give Watson vague character growth.
The trailer focused on the school bully leading me to believe this was going to be a Carrie like revenge tale only… whimsical.
I love that Goldie Hawn's getting work. I don't want to see her do this work.
Catwoman DLC helped me with City's Riddler Trophies. Arkham Origins' challenges suffered from glitches and Arkham Knights' were just plain unfun.
I returned Fallout New Vegas to Gamefly. I found a companion and some big guns. I raised my gun stat to 55. I gave some big guns to my companion. I turned the difficulty down to Easy. I got the Legion's mark to stop the high level assassins from jumping me. But I reached the point where the Factions needed me to face…
Perhaps she's a DEAD out of work actress!
Emperor: Let's kidnap Cindy to lure the Lucians into our trap! Tonight I dine on Chocobo soup!
Tidus: This is my story. My final story. My fantasy.
Yuna: It's my story too. My final fantasy.
(Both look to the camera and give a thumbs up. Kimahri groans and shakes his head.)
Regis taught them to be ninja teens.
Gladiolus leads while Ignis does cuisines.
Prince Noctis is cool but rude
while Prompto is a party dude!
The trailer made it seem that the characters were actually supernatural. I thought I might enjoy a film where Helen Mirren plays Death. I'll skip the film where she's an out of work actress pretending to play death so that Will Smith's work partners can pretend that subway security footage doesn't exist.
At the time several critics described it as "Star Wars." Princess Leia (Asche), Balthier (Han Solo) and Vaan (Luke) battling the Empire in their flying fortress. Still the bulk of the story involves gathering magic crystals (Nethecite) which fits the plot of most Final Fantasies.
Though I would like to play Harold some day.
The show is dealing with some very specific issues and seems to draw passionate responses from those who connect to them. My friends and I don't just like it we love it but we know plenty of others that it doesn't click with.