Adam Lambert as Frank
Laverne Cox as Magenta
Reeve Carney as Eddie
Adam Lambert as Frank
Laverne Cox as Magenta
Reeve Carney as Eddie
Sebastian La Cause was supposed to enter nude in the 2001 Broadway production. Someone got squeamish and they ended up putting him in a pink thong.
That's a good way of putting it. Bostwick seemed to simply not acknowledge most of what was happening around him. When he "woke up" during the floor show it overwhelmed him.
Much appreciated. It's been about 12 years since I've seen the original.
That may just be my interpretation. I remember Frank and Columbia saying some lines about how Rocky's turned out just like Eddie did.
The original Rocky Horror introduces gay men to a popular porn narrative: the seduction of the ostensibly straight man. One accepted narrative for this is that younger gay men coming out are surrounded by straight men who are the only options for their fantasies. Once we find the gay community those narratives are…
Combined with the surprised… but not surprised… reaction to the news that the gangsters have threatened her too. "We are a package deal."
Agreed. When Rifkin said "You wouldn't" I hoped he was mocking Holmes. Though Holmes also suggested Rifkin would soon be without his entourage of lawyers and guards due to his financial troubles.
Holmes kept baiting Watson to name her "price." She declined. A nice sign of the prickliness that remains in this working relationship 5 seasons in.
A quick tangent: I both love and hate that The Killing Joke film gave Barbara a sassy gay friend to confide in. The trope is beyond stale in 2016 but if he'd appeared in the animated series in 1992 he would have been groundbreaking.
The plot of the first Metal Gear Solid set up some tropes that would recur in subsequent games.
I would watch that show non stop. And not hate watch. It would be appointment television.
Sadly Brexit's fall out is going to ruin that fantasy for everyone. There aren't enough food producing states in the U.S. for an amicable split.
Right? They've been getting some great publicity this year. The kids are gonna love it.
Possible motivations: A) intimidating dissenters. B) releasing personal frustrations. C) amusing oneself (if said self is cruel). None of this is about changing minds.
Breathe in. Breathe out. Picture someone you trust (real or fictional). Look deep into that persons eyes. Hear them say "everything's going to be okay." Breathe again.
Lots of us, even this site, have called SNL "boring and unfunny." I'm more concerned with the attacks on David Simon. Is anyone on the right even pretending to court minority voters at this point?
Alex Moffat looked handsome as Anderson Cooper but he kept flubbing his cues.
Please do and share your thoughts.
Machine for Pigs is more story than gameplay which makes it a quick experience. I'd say give it another shot.