
*** spoiler filled thoughts ***
~ The film didn't really have any non-crazy/evil people to contrast the squad with.
~ Loved Viola Davis… but the self-contained plot had the squad saving the founder of the squad from a member of the squad.. and said founder killed half her staff in the process. Viola opened the movie

I finally saw this last night and I agree. I loved Viola Davis and was bored by the rest. I'd have rather seen this cast re-enact scripts from Batman The Animated Series.

I believe some of these photos are from 2012, when this meme started. That was the first time I really paid attention to the Olympics. Were the male athlete's eroticized to this extent pre-2010 or is this a new thing?

What are people's favorite non-inflammatory news sources?
I like The Guardian for my world news and Towleroad for my LGBTQ news, though the comment sections for both seem as angry the rest of the internet.

It sounds like people should rent Suicide Squad, watch the first 30 minutes, and imagine it was a failed TV pilot.

Crazy Ex-Girlfriend is very addictive. The nasty spin it finds on romcom tropes continued to surprise me.

I recently binge watched both seasons of Pushing Daisies. They are streaming for free on CW Seed. The rushed series finale made me sad. I would have gladly watched a third season with Swoosie Kurtz and Ellen Greene solving mysteries with Kristin Chenoweth.

He could still be that handsome man if he wanted, but he's been fighting that image for years. It may have been so people would take him "seriously" but the backlash against Dallas Buyers Club and the bad press for this film won't help.

My two memories of the Eric Bana Hulk.
Bana's dimly lit nude scene.
Bana starting a big battle with the villain, then the camera cutting immediately to the epilogue. I was confused at the time, then decided it was the moment the film ran out of money.

And/Or DeviantArt.

It will be a jukebox musical featuring the songs of Aretha Franklin.

This movie is still delightful.
I haven't seen the 2008 remake, but I did see the musical remake from 1956 called "The Opposite Sex." The songs aren't great and there's no attempt to integrate them into the story. The film has a fun cast (Dolores Gray as Sylvia, Joan Collins as Crystal, Agnes Morehead as the Countess)

I'm nearing the end of Valdis Story:Abyssal City. It's a combat focused Metroidvania. The clunky controls took some getting used to but after button remapping a key move I began making progress.

Gay media has issues with buff gay actors as well. The online arguments over the show Looking and the career of Steve Grand are the most recent ones that come to mind.

Real O'Neals is a TV sitcom about a gay teen and his disapproving mother.
Noah Galvin is the 20-something who plays said gay teen. He gave an interview this spring where he insulted 4 or 5 gay men in film/television.

It's odd for the AVClub to post about the interview 2 months after it occurred. The gay chat boards dissected and argued over Noah's words in June.

Publicists play a big role in this as well. I believe publicists were responsible for:
- writing Noah Galvin's public apology.
- trying to remove Colton Haynes' old modeling photos.
- marketing Nick Jonas to the gay community… and then boasting about it.
- hushing up any actor who's been out or "hinted at bisexuality" in

"Don't boo. Vote."

"Back in my day when they said go fuck yourself it was a term of endearment. We fucked stale bags of air and we liked it!"

No but he might have his finger on the pulse of Trumps base.