Shaddam IV

There's another newswire up, you're going to have to come up with something more than that.

The comments must flow.

Give this Kinja abomination to the storm!


What a bunch of clowns!

Do a brain tumor joke!

With the overnight seeming collapse of support for Trump on Breitbart, I'm having trouble keeping track of the various right-wing factions, infighting, and back-stabbing. Hopefully they'll all just eat each other alive soon, and save me the trouble.

Tonight's Trump rally will be online now?

Guess they want to keep their day jobs… hoods, back on heads!

Online rally to include virtual reality cars slamming into counter-protesters.

Is it The Beatles or The White Album? Technically, it's The Beatles.

He's changed the words. When he sings it live, it's "but if this ever changing world in which we're living…"

This belongs in the gated snare article.

Well now you gotta tell us about that 3 word comment.

I'm conflicted about his style? I think he was good for Harrison though. Harrison's 70s albums were becoming horribly over-produced snooze-fests.

Because it's hanging on due to sheer habit and obligation, it disappoints everybody, and it sucks all the air out of the room. Also, it's mostly stupid.

We're already there.

When will Star Wars let go of us, and finally be seen as the nothing special mediocre franchise that it is? 2-3 more films is my guess.

Why Great Boos Up, of course I've heard them, I'm a Beatles freak! The remixes are definitely an improvement, as you say.

Interestingly, this is precisely what makes it such a memorable, effective line for me.