Because he's a great drummer, whatever you think of his music.
Because he's a great drummer, whatever you think of his music.
Lynne has got his own thing going on that wouldn't be considered a gated snare. He has a dryer sound less dependant on reverb and more about having a lot of microphones placed around the room, is my understanding. But yeah, he's definitely got a sound.
I saw this on Vox a few days ago and knew, absolutely knew, it would appear here before long.
Because the effect is mostly on the toms. When it's slathered all over the snare with an overly loud, stiff kind of beat (as in so much 80s music), it is a truly horrifying sound.
There was good gated reverb and there was bad gated reverb, most of it was bad.
“We’ve been dreaming of this (cutting Medicaid) —since you and I were drinking at a keg".
-Black Lodge Denizen Paul Ryan
Spice is the way to go.
Last day!
I do not regret my decision to stop watching several seasons back.
“plausible impossibilities"
This guy needs a dictionary.
Consider vegetarianism instead.
Two things!
And pointing at it!
I had an English teacher who showed films of the holocaust. I mean with bodies being bulldozed into pits.
Let's hope he goes off script!
Or, in keeping with today's theme, like a baby seeing something for the first time.
I'd just like to point out that in addition to looking right at it, the president is also pointing at the sun in the header photo.
His science advisors said it was ok.
Hopefully this moves us from metaphor to literally the blind leading the blind.
Isn't it "Cinders In The Breeze"?