
Ha, I have gone through IKEA on Snapchat multiple times and shared my exciting observations.

You know how people always talk about how Baltimore is a character in The Wire, which I have never seen? I assume it's exactly like that.

In the last year I have on multiple occasions shown Spring Breakers to my friends. In general the people I thought would like it did and the people I thought wouldn't like it didn't, but I think it holds up.

I think one thing that I didn't realize when I went to college was that despite what Community tells you, it's actually really hard to make friends in class. (Or at least it was for me; I'm also not exactly the most outgoing person.)

If you do have real world friends and you can't make it, we'll throw a party for you anyway.

On Friday night I went out to Edgewood with nine of my classmates, and people got to talking, and I learned a great deal about everyone that I hadn't known before. In a car at three in the morning on the way to Waffle House,one of my friends asked me, "wait, Naveed, how is it that all night we haven't talked about you

Oh man, I've spent so much of my life bitching about Parks and Recreation that I feel kind of self-conscious about it now, but every time someone talks about it I feel compelled to chime in. I think the biggest problem for me is that back when I loved it (enough to give me my AV Club username), nobody was watching it,

yo are we doing a bracket thing

Apparently the similarity of "Cherry" by Chromatics to "Candy" by The Magnetic Fields is something that other people have noticed and remarked on. I'm glad of this because it's something I observed some time ago but it's from such an obscure song off a lesser-known Magnetic Fields album.

I like watching Coco Vandeweghe a lot relative to how good she is.

Oh no! Sorry for slandering you.

Thing I was told today: "When I think of Paris I think of Baudrillard."

I don't know, I think Dave is pretty weird.

Another semester passed, another night spent awake waiting for my early morning flight across the country. Dr. Regina Phalange has stayed up with me through so many of these nights and through so many changes in my life over the years, but this time she's headed for San Francisco just like I am, and so I'm here on my

Marcel Duchamp

I still want an "All 5 Dances" shirt.

Thing I was told today: "You used to be Abed, but now you're Britta."

how bout them dawgs

I just entered this cafe to work with a classmate on my regression homework and "Now Is Not the Time" by Chvrches was playing. That's, like, my favorite song, and it's literally not on any of their albums. What a cool place.

I went to a Georgia Tech basketball game on Friday and had pretty good seats. You can see me here, or just skip to the middle of this video if you want to see me looking very bored for a long time.