
The central metaphor of "It's a Hit" is deeply confused and the content feels embarrassingly dated, and yet there's so much about that song that I love.

I like Under the Blacklight, but it's always a bit jarring to actually listen to the lyrics and notice how (for lack of a better word) vulgar it is, in a way that other Rilo Kiley albums aren't.

I think this most of the time, but sometimes I vacillate and think it's More Adventurous. They're both so good.

Revisiting a discussion point that was popular within our Community community four years ago: who is your favorite character? It's fine if you just post a one-word answer, I suppose, but it'd be really cool if you gave a reason.

How great is the sample in Famous?

Does this have any relation to Graham Greene?

Clinton's not going to lose Pennsylvania, and she's also not going to lose the election regardless.

Britain's fascination with Neighbours is interesting to me because it moves the needle literally not at all here. There's a chance that an American will have heard of EastEnders but none at all for Neighbours, despite actors on the latter show having become rather more famous.

All my comments, including those ones, are part of a single, inalienable whole.

My comments remain just as bewilderingly excellent now as they were four years ago.

Hmm, somehow I never managed to put two and two together and figure out that the Natalie Imbruglia from Johnny English (a film I've seen at least half a dozen times because it was all my friends' favorite thing ca. 2005) is the same Natalie Imbruglia who did "Torn". I also didn't know that that song was a cover. Lots

Huh, I dislike David Ortiz a lot and I feel like most every baseball fan I talk to feels the same way.

I don't think so; I've been mostly absent the last two years and I've never seen many new people. The population here used to be rather larger than today.

The fact that it's possible to play like this is a major barrier to my ever being interested in soccer.

Soccer people, I saw this status on Facebook and thought it was interesting:

Eleanor Rigby

I do love "Porpoise Song".

This is great:

might be on now