
The MAC is the Mid-American Conference, an association of mid-sized public schools in the Midwest. Being first place means that the team has won more and lost fewer games against other MAC teams than any of the other teams in the MAC. You may still be in first place if you lose a game, I'd have to check.

What about yourself surprises people?

I would quit baseball.

This annoyed me a lot with Mad Men, when interesting stuff that I hadn't picked up on was derided as just so obvious.

Hey guys, remember that time I was in Dave's car when it broke down and had to be towed?

When this ranking was compiled on December 18, 2012, there were no other episodes.

Maybe he should mackle less.

A 35 Mixology Certification
A 33 Cooperative Calligraphy
A 59 Regional Holiday Music
A 48 A Fistful of Paintballs
A 25 Pascal's Triangle Revisited
A 6 Football, Feminism and You
A 21 Contemporary American Poultry
A 9 Debate 109
A 15 Romantic Expressionism
A 53 Remedial Chaos Theory
A- 34 Conspiracy Theories and Interior Design

That was a great second set. I enjoy watching Lauren Davis play because she manages to compensate for being tiny with speed.

Really? I distinctly remember everyone strongly disliking her as a character, and that included me, despite my affection for Kristen Schaal. She has some good lines but she's clearly the worst character by far.

Yeah, I was waiting for it to cut to Charlie unconscious on his couch, having sniffed enough glue to kill a horse, and that scene just never came.

The ending of last night's Always Sunny was great, but it wasn't nearly enough to salvage the episode. It felt like something out of a different show that I would not watch.

That show is still happening?


Yeah, basically. They watch every episode and tally up the scores.

hahaha who follows the Sharks

I have friends who play Fantasy SNL.

lol the Panthers aren't going to win this game

Season VIII: Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!