
Might one say it's like a…supertrain?

I'd be remiss not to mention (as others have) the stretch of Cooperative Calligraphy–Conspiracy Theories–Mixology Certification, which has my two favorite episodes and a very enjoyable one in between. It doesn't necessarily reflect my platonic ideal of the show (two of the episodes are clearly gimmick-driven and

It kind of reminds me of "Lies" some.

Ha, I forgot that he did that. In fairness, this was a novel concept back in the distant days of 2009.

Ha, I was about to say this before I scrolled down and saw.

Taylor Kitsch (his character registered so little on me that I can't even remember his name)

My friend's Facebook status today:

Man of Steel was pretty good for the first two hours.

The BBC Three Drive rescore was a tremendously strange idea and I wish I had some way of watching it.

Yeah, Happy Endings is right up my alley.

I've mostly stopped reading this site since the redesign, to be honest.

The Dodgers are blue and Virginia is also blue.

In theory there's no reason that Rogers shouldn't have the assets to make the Blue Jays competitive with anyone on the free agent market, although that hasn't really happened.

I don't think Price is a good deal for Toronto. Tulowitzki will be around for a long time, but it doesn't make sense to commit this heavily to a rental when the team isn't that close to first place.

Yeah, it's beyond me how Olivera is so valuable.

Oh man, I think I missed the dads thread.

I don't know if there's any good answer to this, but the one that comes to mind is Calvin and Hobbes, which has had a really profound impact not just on my sense of humor but also on the way I interact with mass culture and view society.

I think Peraza is going to Miami (a division rival, naturally), so really it's even better!

As a Giants fan, I have of course suffered greatly in recent years.

Once at the airport in Washington I saw a white man wearing a Burzum shirt. His head was shaved except for a ponytail. I stayed far away.