
I'd love to go to one at an SEC school sometime.


It's okay, you can't be more disappointing than Dave.

You should watch it! It's my favorite thing.

ugh my comment is being submitted for moderation so whatever, I'll post it again in slightly different form

Hi guys, I'm totally a dude and stuff

something about America winning the Women's World Cup in Canada punctuated by USA USA USA

Back in, like, 2011, the Ship-O-Meter was my favorite feature of Community comments.


I liked Bunheads!

EXCLUSIVE QUOTE regarding Erik Charles Nielsen from someone who knew him in college:

Tyga! Tyga! burning bright

Yes, I was shown this the other day! Thanks for pointing it out for me.

Clearly you don't watch enough sports! For some reason those ads only run during sporting events.

hi friend how are you

lol suck it England


This isn't a bad answer. Far be it from me to suggest that it wasn't a funny show (it was a very funny show and it made me laugh with regularity), but unlike the really jokey stuff that forms most of the comedy I like, my enjoyment doesn't come primarily from the jokes. That's why it's had so much sticking power for

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