
Honestly, this is why I love your forum so much, mature audience that honestly tells it like it is.. No bullshit. You guys said it all about the season finale, and the fact that the Bennett ancestors were helping descendants of their murderers who btw are also murderers. I just pray that we can se Bonnie Bennett rose

holland17 said EVERYTHING I was feeling, the only thing that was good was the Bonnie scenes of course (even though the writers want to cling her unto her lover like elena, but it will never happen), Bamon scenes, Defan scenes where Damon barely mentions Elena's name, and that Bonkai moment. I knew Damon wouldn't die

Is it just me or did anyone see how Bonnie let out a psychic blast just like Cade did before he died? It's kind of weird how everyone seems to have missed that, wouldn't it be awesome if Bonnie creates her own dimension in the process and is the key to destroy Cade? I mean come on..