How so?
How so?
An argument can be made that the Jesuit order played a fundamental(!) role in bringing about the Enlightenment as they were responsible for educating and providing the tools to critical thinking and empiricism to many of the philosophers at the time (e.g. Rene Descartes).
Surely there are better ways to empower one's self than ironically using an epithet that once targeted you? And is it always empowering to everyone in that community? I wonder.
A couple of articles that articulate what a complete an utter disingenuous, Islamist-apologist tool Reza is:
Hey, look at this guy! He's insinuating that I'm a cave man incapable of putting cogent arguments together because I said "trust me" in an interwebs conversation!
Oh trust me, there's plenty. For the record, I think he's perfectly sane and just in his assessment of Trump — it's the other reasons that equate him as an exceptional piece of shit in his own right.
I'm thinking there's a lot more going on the scenes per Aslan's release than his opinions on Trump. Reza is truly an execrable human being and a jerk of the highest order. I'm not feeling any empathy for this piece of shit.
Mine was the Division Bell tour and just so happened to be the first live concert I ever saw. Even without Roger's presence it set the bar for concerts at a young age that still hasn't quite been matched.
Pink Floyd (Waters/Gilmour/Mason/Wright). I managed to catch them on their last tour sans Waters which was fantastic but not quite the definitive Floyd experience.
Anck-Su-Namun…. ssssigh. *dreamy/drooling*
Which damning information was left out? And if he was "guilty as hell" and "most certainly murdered that poor woman" why would Zellner risk her reputation defending him?
You need a license to talk like that?
You're completely right. I mean, it's not like this guy has ever had an audience or longevity, amirite?!
Giving the middle finger to a movie - and in front of your kids no less. Ooookay.
Considering both Carlin and Bruce had specific bits about the n word, they would almost certainly side with Maher in this instance.
There's a great bit by George Carlin about words being offensive — the simply notion is that it's not the word that matters - words are neutral by nature - it's the context that matters. It's pretty clear Maher was making a joke with absolutely zero malice or bigotry behind it. We're adults and we should move on with…
Oh come on. The new Ghostbusters movie was significantly worse than the original. Who are we trying to kid? That's not to say it was terrible by any stretch of the imagination — it's just that the original is pretty much flawless and iconic.
Labyrinth - nice!
The last paragraph of this article pretty much exactly mirrors my thoughts on guns. We're allowed to have hypocritical fantasies where we imagine ourselves playing out deep, dark, and sometimes horrible scripts.
Disney seems to be banking on films being able to tell long form stories. They also seem to be succeeding marvel(!)ously.