

Herecomesclownfeet: Trump MO: Deny, distract, deflect …

Herecomesclownfeet: Trump MO: Deny, distract, deflect …

And Deep Throat will be a Russian porn star with a predilection for water sports.

Thad Boyd: TBF I heard the same kind of inconsistent conspiracy theories from my left-leaning relatives during the Bush Administration. Bush is too stupid to eat a pretzel but also he has a sweeping plan to declare martial law and suspend elections.

Untitled1: I think something more subtle would work better …

The Muscovite Candidate - starring Carrie Fisher as Melania Trump, Meryl Streep as Mary Trump, Vince Garber as Fred Trump, the corpse of Philip Seymour Hoffman as Steve Bannon, and Kathleen Turner as Donald Trump.

Greenwald is a libertarian, not a liberal.

When did Michael Stipe start looking like Rudy Giuliani in a rabbi beard?

Michael Weyer:

It's not a real Star Wars film until someone loses a hand - loped off by a lightsabre.

It'll be an honest representation of conservatives view of reality. So I guess that's a yes.

There is no bright side, it's dark turtles all the way down.

I thought of including Tarantino - the fetishism is certainly there - but left him out because I couldn't find anything personal there, nothing like Hitchcock's blondes or Bunuel's references to foot fetishism.

Hmm. Just off the top of my head in no particular order:

Wow. I stopped watching somewhere in the middle of the fifth or sixth season, and just thought it probably ended somewhere after the 7th or 8th.

Wait. I've just gotta get something straight here.

Well, it's so blatant, that it's like noticing the sky is blue, or that 2+2=4. I mean, seriously, it's a film filled with men wearing nothing but leather briefs, oil, make-up, and a cape.

I have seen the original 300. I have also seen Brokeback Mountain, Salo, Bi-Curious Couples #4, Davey Does Dallas, I Can't Be Gay I'm On The Wrestling Team. and 300 is still, by far, the gayest film I've ever seen. And there would be nothing wrong with that except that it's simultaneously one of the most homophobic.