I just found out ten minutes ago, and frankly I'm kinda pissed.
I just found out ten minutes ago, and frankly I'm kinda pissed.
Yep, even black Vulcans could only date other black Vulcans.
"Unless my egg-sucking drones clamor for it, I won't do it".
Some of it. If you read into the historicity of same, you also find out that Alfred Russel Wallace was heading down the same road, with roughly the same concepts.
The collecting has begun. I'm beginning to think the Venn overlap b/t GG and Puppies is a lot larger than anyone is currently estimating.
Best username I've seen in a while.
Whatever some men have to do to convince themselves they are now the victims of everyone and everything.
"Your church" doesn't speak for or represent all Christianity. Therefore "The black church don't hate gays" needs to be modified to "The black church I belong to and believe in don't hate gays" because there are a very large number of Christian churches who do indeed hate gays.
Well, that's the point. That's just your opinion. You have no way of proving any of that. Due to same, I choose not to believe in it and *poof* all that badness based in religion disappears, like magic.
They tailor treatments to the populations that can pay for them. This is known. It's also why there is almost no orphan drug research in the U.S..
It's an interesting journey to be sure. My Catholic college still boasts that it admits Catholics and graduates agnostics.
No, God is not "crystal clear". If you are not reading those texts in the original language and in their original context, you don't know what they actually say, you only know what your particular translation says.
I don't get how people just overlook the Here Are the Rules for Godly Slavery part. That alone made me very suspicious of the "omniscient" and "omnipresent" parts. Eventually I just gave up trying ridiculously hard to believe in something that seems so contradictory to…everything I see around me.
I've been to black churches who do not espouse these views. Heck, the Dalai Effing Lama says 'If you're gay, Buddhism is not for you'. It's great if you and your specific church are okay with gays, but a really large number of blacks and their churches loudly disagree. See also: Ben Carson.
Yeah, just because you're gay doesn't mean you're not also white and/or male, etc. Intersectionality is a thing for everyone.
I would really like to see the Venn overlap between the KKK/WCCC, gamergate, and Sad/Rabid Puppies. I think the overlap is IMMENSE.
No, that's called "trolling".
Yep. I moved to SF, originally. Moved to Oakland a month later (hey MacArthur BART) and stayed for a decade. There were months at a time that I didn't bother going to SF. Probably would have been years but I had a membership with the California Academy of Science so I'd go there just to hang out and read their library.
Oh crap, I understood that.
techie is still better than ginger…