Patrick Doyle

ODIN DAMN IT! I READ ^THAT^ in Sideshow Bob's voice!

I just checked IMDB & that episode was timed as part of NBC's 75th anniversary, 20 years since CHEERS had started & 10 since it had ended ect. It would have been a great ending BUT there were all kinds of timing reasons reasons why it fit where it did (honestly, it probably the ONLY full episode of FRASIER I ever…


I'm pretty sure it was a meta-joke, just like how in the opening where they visit shows through the decades Bob shows up to kill Bart when they enter CHEERS! "Lots of people sound like Sideshow Bob, like Fraier from CHEERS"-Marge "or Frasier from FRASIER"-Homer "Or Lt. Col. Tom Dodge from DOWN PERISCOPE"-Marge

What's 'even funnier' is that episode is about MEL GIBSON'S popularity & how @$$-backwards it would seem today! That episode has aged *WORSE* than some of the first 2 seasons episodes!

I'm not seeing it so, why hasn't anyone suggested the OBVIOUS choice for Squirrel Girl, Kim Kardashian? I mean if she's already furry enough to be a Hobbit…