
This was only my second horror movie that I knew was SK, and the haunted toll booth movie did NOT prepare me.

I have trouble classifying it as a horror movie, just because there are so few (I'd say none but then I'll think of one an hour later) that leave me a sobbing mess at the end.

I'm kind of loving Bucky and Spider-man being set up as the dueling teenage side-kicks.

This article nails the qualities that make The Host such a fun and amazing monster movie, but is irresponsible in how it gives absolutely no warning of the post-movie depression awaiting the average viewer.

Well, when you're staying in the Grudge house it's probably pretty tempting to watch a movie to relax.

That is my romantic situation also.

No, it's totally different. Titus/s is this totally off-the wall black guy who… lives by his own rules…

I was mainly thinking outloud (… in comment form, which is a bad habit) in surprise that Longmire was able to pull itself up by its bootstraps with no creative overlord. It just feels so unnatural that the show would finally admit defeat on those plot arcs, give them up and move on, without some terrifying network

otoh, regular TV networks don't put how many stars people have rated their shows front-and-center.

Didn't Longmire ditch their extremely long-running 'who killed my wife?' plot right when they made the jump to Netflix? Maybe it was just the exception that proved the rule, but I felt like they totally sharpened up and ditched a lot of stuff they'd been wallowing in that didn't work for the show.

Titus/s Burgess/Andromedon remains the most fascinating character on the small screen for me, in large part because I cannot see the seam between himself and his character AT ALL. I can't barely even tell which name is supposed to be the real one.

Makes about as much sense as God giving a little girl a terrible disease and then tree-magicking it away. (And I'm saying this as someone who identifies as Christian.)

Don't act like 'Miracles From The Sacred Oak' isn't already a way cooler movie, just on the title alone.

Personally saddened that there wasn't an 11th hour twist with the movie arguing that because Anna was healed by falling into a tree, trees are magical and we should all worship trees.

That might be an explanation of why the material looks weird, if it's just generating the traditional spider-man suit pattern but it can change on command.

Screw 'Gone With The Wind', but the only ending that would be really satisfying would be Mary in another amazing tweed suit looking out over her land ad delivering some version of an "I'll never go hungry again!" speech, probably to Tom but that doesn't really matter.

Yes, I know exactly, because something very similar happened in my family's history. It's largely because of that I can tell you how completely bullshit the entire Marigold storyline is, but plenty of people can tell you that too because everybody watching Downtown Abbey agrees to look the other way for all their

She kept trying to tell him and the only thing getting in her way (let's set aside her family's bizarre anachronistic insistence that she tell him because that's just par for the Downtown Abbey course) was her own lack of courage. I *needed* to see her overcome that, and she didn't. So we'll all never know if she

The problem is we don't have a lot of test cases: so far Edith's only explicitly told people if she literally had no other option (that she needed their help in concealing her pregnancy or getting Marigold back). I'd be more willing to believe she was going to tell Bertie if she'd told her father, but she was too

It's one thing that Edith never even apologized to them, this episode proved to me that she never learned anything from that disaster either.