
I think a lot of people here are missing the point of the reviewer.

Actually, it did. Joan's former boyfriend in 1.02 is named Ty Morstan.

Exactly. People only have a problem with this when it's Watson's backstory, which speaks volumes to me. Sherlock's character development was literally built in out-of-the-blue monologues.

I agree, entirely, and the fandom has been saying that for months. Sherlock's development, Joan's development and their relationship would benefit of shared screentime that is not related to detective work. Joan needs emotional development too. Yes, she is the sidekick, but she has personal stories. If they explored

While I think her backstory came out of the blue, it was about time to show something about her. With the writers prioritizing Sherlock's personal story all this season and ignoring hers, it would feel flat.

Maybe you should see her in Southland, Detachment or even in her theatre work. She IS a good actress.

I think a huge problem with this season so far - and this review - is the lack of focus in Watson. She is desperately in need of a constant arc of character development on her own. Sherlock has several (addition, Moriarty, his brother, niceness). The only ongoing arc Watson has is the detective work. And this episode