Dildo Baggins

If you're talking about Hitler, then I'm with you.

"I wish the guys from Milli Vanilli were still alive and that guy was
dead. Is that bad? To wish that guy was dead? Is it bad to wish death on

Jealous about the MD Ren Fair - I've been eyeballing that for a while now but haven't been able to nail down a weekend. Please tell us all about it.

Yup. I came to the same conclusion by the time I finished writing that. I think I just needed some validation.

Great. Met a woman online about a month ago, and we clicked instantly. She's smart and gorgeous and she's the first woman in a while that I feel really connected to. The past two weekends we've pretty much spent the whole weekend with each other.

Welp. That was an incredibly lazy and difficult to empathize with Hatesong.

When I was seven years old I didn't really pick up on all of the thinly veiled winks and references.

It wasn't until I watched The Wizard of Oz as an adult that I could fully comprehend how gay that movie is. That's a movie that just gets better with age.

Thanks Dan for this week's Savage Love. This is a site that a lot of people would not be brave enough to defend, especially not in public. Like usual, I don't always agree with everyone thing mentioned, but I learned a lot.

As an atheist and a lapsed Catholic, I wish I had better attitudes about religion and religious people. Unfortunately, I harbor so many negative feelings towards Catholicism that the mere mention or display of anything religious makes me incredibly anxious and angry and bitter. It's also hard cause I work in a small

Hey, I thought the film wasn't half bad. When I watched it last night, I gave it a standing O. And yes, it was that kind of standing O.

2014 Winter Olympics Drinking Game:
Take a sip of your drink every time Putin and Edward Snowden high-five each other.

Great books to re-read. I'm nearly finished re-reading LOTR and it's been a lot of fun. Makes me want to nerd out real hard.

Any Colum McCann fans? I read Let the Great World Spin and loved it. So I picked up his recent book, Transatlantic. I have to say, I was a little disappointed. The individual stories were interesting, but they just didn't connect enough in the same way that they did in LGWS. Are there other books by him that other's

Honest-to-god question: is curling fun? I've never played, and I can't tell if it would be great to play drunk or just incredibly tedious.

But much of Texas is quite Southern, and they're are probably plenty of folks in the big cities like Dallas and Houston who identify as Southern. And they're plenty of people not in the "South" who identify as Southern (say, people who live in southwestern PA).

I agree totally. I know a lot of people who've suffered from the very conservative Southern lifestyle (mainly severe homophobia). I'm not a fan of this image by any means - I prefer cities and big government and liberalness any day of the week - but I also know people who are Southern, identify and are proud of their

I've lived in North Carolina for about 6-7 years. I don't disagree, most people don't really fit the stereotype of the happy-go-lucky Southerner (just as most New Yorkers don't fit the loud, boisterous stereotype). But I do think that, on average, rural Southerners do value relationships more.

As an American, I've been pondering this question for years. I'm a liberal from Californialand, so much of the Southern culture portrayed by Duck Dynasty is foreign to me as well Mohamad. But having since recently lived in parts of the South for a few years, I think I can take a stab at explaining it.

To me, Piper is a good character because I know people like her. She is a bit of a caricature, but I've known a maybe a good half-dozen people who are pretty close to being that caricature.