
The Seaward was a yacht, not a sub.

Flippers are some sort of partial denture thing that a lot of the queens get/have talked about on previous seasons.

I think maybe "brilliant" is a step or two further than I'd go.
This show is settling into the space of "Transparent meets Friends" for me, but that's perfectly suited to some light summer viewing.

Of course you'd say that, K. Thrace.

Andy Greenwald is an Unsullied god.

I disagree slightly, but only on emphasis; radically changing the system of police brutality should be the focus, rather than the mob destruction of property (both of which involve violence).

I'll take an English muffin.

The guy is acknowledging the tragedy of justice that occurred with Freddie Gray's death, and that real change needs to be enacted, while warning that violence will become the focus if it continues in its current form. Seems pretty solid to me.

Great winner definitely saved an otherwise struggling season. My biggest complaint of the finale (even more than the gratuitous live cutaways):

Marx Bros-wise, they are:
Louise = Groucho
Tina = Zeppo
Gene = Chico