
I don't get not liking them. Yes, their episodes aren't always that funny (and when they are, it's because of context and supporting players), but they have also given us many of the most touching moments in the show and they have some of the all-time best episodes to themselves. Lisa especifically is kinda weird to

Now THIS is a fantastic film, and probably the best J-horror. It's so wonderfully and deliberately vague about its central mystery and focusing on the atmosphere. There's a complete sense of being powerless to death that makes this so haunting. Having watched this on the theater in a horror retrospective, with no

Pharrell is awesome, you don't know what you're talking about.

Sonia really is a great addition. I knew I liked her when she first reviewed Coma (an F review!), but I have come to genuinely enjoy her work even more with her PR reviews. She was the best Teti replacement and the only one who didn't make me miss him, which is a tall order, because I love Teti, But she really has

By far the one I see as weakest out of the 3 I watched (which does not include the one with Nicole Kidman).

I don't get the praise for this film. I don't like Kaufman's directing, I don't think it's that revelatory of the 70's, and that final scene is so ridiculous I laugh my ass off every time I see it. I love the original, and come pretty damn close to hating the remake.

I don't like the remake, but I love the original.

You realize those were probably signs telling you to leave Holland, right?

"when I song it to here live" - WOW

Is that gum?
Is that gum?
Is that gum?

Bart: Well, then, I guess I'll just have to get into the crawlspace
again. [runs off]
Marge: I hate it when he gets in there.
[pounds the wall with a broom]

It's a Perpetual Quote machine, it just keeps making more and more quotes!

I'm SHOCKED your name isn't Pervy Orbit. This is just like when I find out the name of the show wasn't Downtown Abby.

I hardly doubt a film I have seen compared to Bela Tarr is what you are saying.

If you think intelligence and sophistication of a script resides primarily on dialogue, or that dialogue is essential to a film, you're just projecting your limitations as rules films have to live by. There's no reason in this concept why he should be doing monologues, and I don't think a concept and a film would be

You're no David Boreanaz yourself.

Upvote if you agree with this in 2013

I never liked Flowers in the Dirt much. I feel Tug Of War has higher peaks.

It's like they want to rub in people's faces how much of a flop this whole thing is.