I was just thinking the same thing
I was just thinking the same thing
Because the way you do the math for that is…
Yes, I did assume that. I wrote 'applying a binomial theory model". And I did so because as far as I'm concerned, haven't we been constantly told that it was all completely random? Something else may still be revealed about the miracle town/the departure as a whole but this is the premise that has been presented to…
Hmmm, exactly how small do you mean by 'tiny'? The odds don't really favour that a whole 'town' would have no departures.
It starts to become mathematically improbable to have no disappearances in a group of 35+ people. (probability of no departures in 35 is 0.49307..)
You outmathed me!
Probability of disappearing: 2/100 i.e 0.02.
Probability of not disappearing: 0.98
Number of people in town: 9261
Your 'frumpy'comments are pretty damn sexist. I don't really like her character either, but it has nothing to do with her appearance. A lot of the characters on this show dress pretty frumpily. She's a pretty woman (not that that matters in terms of her 'likeability') and she just had a baby. Try again.
I miss Peter
I don't miss Finn.