bill gates

I actually feel cheated that Saul is still alive at the end of this episode. I have to seriously suspend disbelief to think he wouldn't have figured out it wash opeless and Carrie just didnt' want him to die.

I never understood how they introduced Duck as somewhat reticent and disgusted with what he was being asked to do, but by the next episode he's suddenly full on into spy games shit and seems to be enjoying sharing what he gets?

That second scene you mentioned… the actors did a great job. But I was laughing the entire time. It was so long and just so totally absurd. "Why is this happening? What the fuck am I watching?"

yea im surprised this got a b+. all seemed very meh and contrived as fuck

Actually I was certain Aayan was dead from the second his happiness in the mountains scenes started. And I was suspecting it as soon as he made that phone call to meet with his uncle. I was a little surprised that his uncle is the one to have done it though, I didn't see a particular purpose to that - he majorly…