I can imagine OITNB on HBO.
I can imagine OITNB on HBO.
"If I could take “The Art Of Ingmar Bergman” or an entire class on The Wire, why couldn’t I dive deep into a part of television history that’s overlooked, ignored, or often just forgotten?"
That seems like nonsense. If Saldana counts as obfuscated, then so does Bradley Cooper, Lee Pace, Michael Rooker, etc. Oscar Isaac was in heavy makeup, but so were both Nightcrawlers, Azazel, both Mystiques, both Beasts, etc. You're making a trend out of nothing.
The person he was replying to used Lupita Nyong'o in Star Wars as an example, who was also CGI.
They said all the data fit on a 1 TB hard drive, though. They could back up the data for less than it would cost to take the clones out to dinner.
I hate Evie's motivation. She wants to kill the clones because they're obsolete like Betamax? Surely the reaction to obsolete technology is to just stop using it, she presumably didn't burn down the house of everyone who owned a Betamax player.
It seems bizarre for Lana to claim the moral high ground about Archer kissing Veronica Dean ~15 minutes after waterboarding him. I really cannot stand her.
To be fair, when I think "Daria breakfast" I think dry toast.
Daria has a thigh gap because she's pretty thin and cartoons aren't realistic. Also, why did they make Gohan not buff? Gohan spent years doing pretty much nothing but working out, he gets to have muscles.
At this point that show simply cannot die.
Why are you happy about him not calling Euron by name? I call my sister by her name far more often than I call her "sister".
To be fair, her job as a dental hygienist seems to mostly be a cover for her job as a robot-implant surgeon assistant.
"everyone knows mad alchemy isn’t a real science"
When political neutrality is arguably the core of your organization, your leader trying to get you to pick a side in a civil war is a huge issue.
Exactly. In the books, he actually is a traitor. He has a good reason, but I get why they would stab him. He's very clearly right in the show.
Two vampires, Riley, Xander for a bit? It's nothing insane.
Spike S2-3, maybe 4? Sure. Season 6-7 Spike was an absolute mess of a character, he needed to get back on track (which Angel did).
Actually, in the spinoff Angel Spike does basically immediately come back to life, and it's great. Angel was basically where they sent all the characters who weren't great on Buffy to make them work.
Like the lawyer in Always Sunny.
Well, he's a benevolent dictator for a very generous definition of the word "benevolent". You don't see a lot of benevolent rulers executing people for insufficient clapping. http://i.imgur.com/Cdy9gwq….