
Just going to end with my favorite openings from movies

This is probably where we're probably going to end up

I just might

Those colers and the audio is what killed me and some of the acting killed me on the inside. Because as we all know the best kid/teen show of all time is Dawson's Creek.


The best hot take I got is that The Wonder Years is a one the worst and boring shows I've ever seen, mostly due to the fact that most of my friends said it's good. Never trusting them again.

I know this was cheesy as shit and probably isn't the best grammar but I don't really give a shit.

Well, I guess it's ending. I am very new to this site (5 months), but honestly it's been a great five months. From feeling like I can talk about shows that were fantastic and actually know that I'm not the only person watching them. It makes me feel like I could say almost say any thing and not be called a troll and

Even though Ozark got a bad review on this site and I really liked that show and since this also got a bad review, I'm going to give this a shot.

I give it a B+ too. It's got a great style, some good writing, some good charectors (Franklin, His Aunt, His Mother, etc) and a damn good soundtrack. The other two main Charectors aren't as interesting, but as long as Franklin is in the forefront in every episode, than I'm down for it.

Im surprised that Black Lightning is gonna be mid season and valor is in the fall season

I'm definitely interested in the Orville and I might watch it over This Is Us

I'm definitely interested in the Orville and I might watch it over This Is Us

Well, they are trying to follow the trend of military and patriotic shows, might as well try to make it stand out.

Eh, Looks Fine.

I love the 80's feel of the show and I'm down for anything Marc Maron and Allison Brie Related

I'm interested in Ghosted and The Gifted, but I don't know I will skip This is Us over The Orville. I guess FOX doesn't have much trust in it