
The Fast and Furious Franchise IS critically acclaimed. From 5 onwards, at least.

love those Chasing Amy audio inserts

What, come on, no review of the last episode? I just finished my binge watch yesterday. aaaaargh.
edit: sorry, thought this was the ''let's binge'' section.

Is that possible in Fire Emblem Awakening? I've just started the game, and is my first with the series.

This is the only show that can pull off ''i just made this anti mind control earbuds'' like is no biggie, (both the dialogue, and the fact that Cisco actually made those out of the blue)

Well, of course.

That's what I'm saying, Trouble was blasting trough the airwaves, but she still had a feet in country. Her 'Justified' was 1989.

and Taylor Swift's red? I thought 1989 was the pop-embracing reboot. She was pop all along though.

I mostly agree with this review. But Shark Man, so A+

Texas Chain Saw Massare // Genres: Killer, Monster (a bit), Gore and Disturbing, Subgenres: 'murderous cannibal clan at the side of highway'', cannibal is listed but the other trope is not. Strange, since it's quite common.

Seems handy, now it should be filled with just every horror movie ever and we're good.

That murderous sun creeped the fuck out of me as a child. Jesus.

I don't know if better, but Freaks and Geeks is certainly a heir of Hughes. With a bit of rauncy apatowian sensibilities to boot.

Hey, what about Freaks and Geeks?! That's John Hughes legacy, right at the beginning of the 21st century.

I actually saw Jack Reacher and don't remember seeing this twat face. He's blank, a non-presence, a case for what's wrong in blockbuster filmmaking, he's just wrong.

That's because the cultural and music zeitgeist has shifted, and there are ''hipster/underground'' aesthetics in ''mainstream'' pop, and viceversa. Ergo, avclub praises this record, or pitchfork calls 1989 one of the albums of the year. This things are cool, now, whadyagonnado?

So it's a Pixar trailer with Inception BGM. I must say, I'm dissapointed.

I'm already on board for this, I just love the digital HD gritty crime drama look. I know it's not gonna be a Michael Mann 10 hour thrill ride (which would be amazing), but hopefully it will be fun enough to watch. Season one was such a lightning in a bottle moment, this season was pretty much doomed from the start.

I now this is and old review, but I just watched this right now and It was the most awesomest moment ever. What a rush, and I thought the ending of 14 was great.

It is really odd, a lot of 90's videogames are ingrained in my conciousness, as relics of the past. Others, I've read a lot about, but never even seen the title screen, probably for having a pc so late in my life, and never owning a lot of consoles.