
When there are kids involved, aren't most husband's ex-wives still a presence in the husband's life? Luisa acts like she's the only woman dealing with an ex-wife in a custody issue. Granted, Allison left Joanie because she needed some mental health care, but it was for six months. Luisa acts as if she's been raising

Helen stole Joanie's pacifier to have a paternity test done.

Noah found out that Joanie wasn't his in the last episode of last season, long after he and Allison were married.

Me, too.

Stop being so sanctimonious. It's TV, for goodness sake. You don't like the show, fine. Don't watch. Others like it, that's fine, too. Your opinion isn't any more valid than anyone else's. It bugs the poop out of me when people think their tastes in music, books, movies, TV, whatever are more right and special than

Underbelly of America? Now that's hyperbole.

I am not a Noah fan, either. (Couldn't he at least have thanked Cole for bringing his daughter home?) But I gotta believe the writers want us to dislike him. They're giving us so many reasons.