
Have you tried the Provisional mods? You might like them better. They're available on kickass.to.

Yeah, wth? At least the Provisional mods took out all the fighting and orcs in the river sequence.

At the borders of Mirkwood, Gandalf tells the company he has to leave to attend a "council of white wizards". Tolkien later retconned that in LOTR and its appendices as the White Council. What they were up to was having a meeting about what to do about Dol Guldur, and Gandalf, Elrond, and Galadriel finally forced

Both series need edits. Sharkey did a great purist edit of the LOTR series.

I'm not sure I don't prefer the Provisional Purist Mods instead. Sure the third one isn't out yet, but they err more on the side of inclusion—they leave in the bits that aren't in the book but that are still in the spirit of the book (or at least don't contradict it).