Peter Panic

I can see that maybe Glen finally realizing he's not being attacked yet somehow and then shutting up and playing dead. I could maybe buy that. But then again I don't see zombies wandering off anytime soon.

Why would the zombies leave? Do they have somewhere else to be? Plus the group had things to do.

Oh, yeah.

I don't care if it's cheap I want Glen back. Are there anymore Asians on TV anymore?

Also, weren't we supposed to see the Preacher trailer?

Maybe he might not be dead. Maybe it's the guy on him being ripped apart. But I REALLY doubt it. Even if so I don't know how he'd get away from that.

Didn't Kanye have a very similar performance as this video? Not that I keep up with either. I just found out what this dude dancing was that was all over my feed.

Hulk and Banner have appeared to each other inside their heads plenty of times and physically before as well.

What's there to understand? There's no joke there.

Can or be really called a remake? Is not like they are redoing the eps. It's more a continuation.

No. But I travel the world. Before that just moving from city to city with boxes of CDs and DVDs and books above anything else I had was a bitch. That's why now I can travel comfortably with that stuff all in one or two devices.

Daredevil wasn't really like a traditional superhero show. More like a lawyer/detective show where the lawyer went out and kicked some ass.

Whichever one will solve the problem to everybody's satisfaction.

Eat it.

Neither do Sleater Kinney and they are bad ass.

I'm talking the Purple Man part.

Ha, ha. Obviously you don't if you think it's about the cartoon and not the message you babies are whining about.

Ha, ha. Getting rid of them. Sorry, that's what we call unrealistic. Grow some skin.

Meh. I don't care about special features. But I'm not getting this anyway. I can't drag around a lot of physical media anymore.

Um, we don't know how many eps this consists of and also it can be both.