Peter Panic

He's just there to help her deal with the super power angle. That's obvious. I didn't see any 'save the chick' scenario.

I bet he's a Lois and Clark guy. Ha, ha.

Uhhh, where did you get that impression?

Yeah, that was just an ugly mess of a comic.

Aww, is it not the regular pretty, rich, white people with problems porn?

This show is great. One of those rare remakes that beat the original by leaps and bounds.

i guess the Netflix universe is the film equivalent of the Marvel Knights comics. Or even Marvel Max - though most of the latter - if not all - weren't canon to the main books.

Yeah, that makes zero sense.

Yeah, rely on people to protect you. Be weak. Because everything is perfect and this will go away. Forget about building up your own self esteem and not giving a fuck what strangers or people you know say. Be what they say.

Oh, you think that's what's happening? dumb ba dumb ba dumb

You're the one that sees agitated. You also have a tendency to exaggerate.

LOL what?

I'm not doing anything different than anybody else, moron. It doesn't take hours to type what I type. I can go and do stuff. Plus I work on my computer. So drink a tall glass of STFU.

I never whine, moron.

Another person who missed the point. When are people going to take responsible for their own feelings?

Uh, I never said I wasn't saying anything. You're just too dense - and it's obvious - to see what I'm saying.

How about a stuffed animal filled with five dollar bills? Oops, sorry, my dog ate it.

Don't rely on people to protect you. Stop being so sensitive. It's just words. Grow thicker skin. Stop being a puss.

I'm not defending anybody but you're to dense to see that. And, no, they weren't defending cyberbullies. It's not anybody's fault but your own that your intelligence hit the glass ceiling and can't see it for it really is.

I think he's a fucking liar.