Peter Panic

Rock starifcication of the Left? Are you blinder than shit? Look at this Trump thing.

You are totally a lost soul. Whatever do you do when mommy can't hold your hands, kiss your booboo and assuage your feelings?

Ding, ding, ding.

It's not about being a sheep. It's that they have the money and means to offer what nobody else has. If everybody had some of that stuff I'd go elsewhere. Not that I go to Whole Foods - because of geography - but when I have been to cities with them there are tons of delicious stuff you can't get anywhere else.

No, I'm not. I'm not defending it But YOU CHOOSE to get offended. You choose to let it hurt your feelings. They're just words. It's not like they are punching you in the face. I would rather dumbasses say what they want so I know who they are and I can avoid them.

Oh, it is most certainly that. People don't offend you. You choose to get offended. We need to stop worrying about what people say and start working people's actions. I could care less if people calls anybody names but when they hurt them physically and don't let them have the same rights as others then that's what

I don't give a shit. Just because you can say it doesn't make it real. It's just words, moron.

No - it's not. It's you not relying on other people to protect your feelings. It's called reality.

I only did it once, moron, and it wasn't cryptic. And this was the first.

No - it's to stop being such a pussy and grow a thicker skin.

Not really because that's what people expect to happen.

Seems people missing the point of the Reality thing. They're saying that you can't escape reality. There's always going to be people talking shit about something and it's ridiculous to try and have somebody or something there to defend you. People need to grow a thicker skin and accept that's how life is internet or

I think you kind of missed the point then.

Another dummy.

Man, I had no idea assholes can type.

Um, no, it wasn't.

Ah, an all of them are way older movies. Thanks.

Mad Love? Is that a horror movie? Seems there's a few of them and none look like horror.

Definitely The Crazies and The Blob.

The Thing